Women As Household Managers Are Central To Facing Global Food Crisis | Universiti Putra Malaysia
» ARTICLE » Women as household managers are central to facing global food crisis

Women as household managers are central to facing global food crisis

Article Summary
Within the family, women are considered household managers. So this group is more knowledgeable about their needs, whether it is food or daily necessities; for example, when purchasing food for the household each month.

By: Nur Syamila Kamarul Arefin


SERDANG, June 15: Within the family, women are considered household managers. So this group is more knowledgeable about their needs, whether it is food or daily necessities; for example, when purchasing food for the household each month.

Due to the lack of knowledge about food waste, a wife or mother who manages the household buys excessively, especially when the sale is attractive, even when there is no actual need.

According to a research officer at the International Institute of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, Dr. Illisriyani Ismail, the role of a woman or a household manager is extremely important to reduce household waste while facing the global food crisis happening currently.

“The household expenditure from the Malaysian statistical report in 2019 reported that a household spends RM783 a month on food items alone, not including other items.

“However, we all saw the rapid increase of food expenditure during the MCO. Household managers used most of their money buying food which caused 44% of Malaysians to be seen as food lovers,” she said.  

After going through a two-year pandemic and the recent food price hike, it might have caused people to lose their ability to think straight. The Covid-19 pandemic already saw a disruption in global supply chains as borders were closed and distribution of food supplies and raw materials were stopped.

Now the Ukraine-Russia conflict is exacerbating the situation with the soaring fluctuations of commodity prices, reaching unprecedented levels since price hikes in 2007 to 2008.  

Food instability is one of the four significant challenges in society worldwide that requires the cooperation of all parties in addressing it.

In the family, women are considered household managers. So this group needs to plan every time they go shopping according to a budget without wasting excessively, especially on food, as prices are skyrocketing now.

“As a smart household manager, list all your needs before going out shopping. Make your purchases according to the list and never deviate so as not to waste.

“Women will remember items running out soon and replenish them during purchases without realising it. That’s second nature to them; however, do not do this as it will only have a bad effect on yourself. 

“Most importantly, as a household manager, there is no need for panic buying as existing supplies are still obtainable in the market although the items are limited.

The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) said food stocks are still sufficient for Malaysians.

“Preparations to face the crisis must be carried out from now; however, if you would like to buy food stocks, it should not be for four months. This is because some food products deteriorate fast.

“Buying rice, for example, buy three packets of rice, one for daily use and two more to be stored as food stock. If you buy a lot of vegetables and raw materials as stock, the nutrients will be lost because of prolonged storage.

The ministry added that as a household manager, you need to make wise purchases of raw materials for a week, not a month until the cart is full and stock is in excess.

Also, people need to be prepared and change their lifestyle, not purchase as much as they used to. - UPM

Date of Input: 21/06/2022 | Updated: 21/06/2022 | hairul_nizam


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